dieFITMACHER meet uVida.

dieFITMACHER is an Austrian company dedicated to the development and production of premium nutritional supplements. The products have been developed over many years on a medical basis and have a high bioavailability. This means that they can be perfectly processed and absorbed by your body.
The perfect partner for uVida to be able to recommend the right little "fit makers" based on your analysis.

The perfect supplement for your uVida analysis. Food supplement from dieFITMACHER.

Together with the dieFITMACHER professionals, our uVida experts have created 5 packages that will support you perfectly on your uVida Journey, depending on your exercise and nutrition profile. Based on your analysis values and your information in the app regarding exercise frequency and work profile, etc., we can recommend the ideal package for you. Here you will find an overview of the packages and recommended intake for each package:

The packages.

Fatburner Package

In your case, we recognize that you have great potential in optimizing your metabolism. To improve your metabolism effectively and in the long term, we need to work on the basis of all metabolic processes: the gut. A well-functioning gut with a stable microbiome provides more energy and supports your metabolism, your health & your well-being.
Lose weight

Muscle Star Package

With this muscle building package, we have put together an optimal combination that is tailored to you and enables perfect muscle supply. The ideal supply of all important nutrients to the muscles is essential to achieve the desired effect with your uVida Journey.
Muscle building

Manager package

With the Manager Package, we have developed an exceptional compilation of valuable products and nutrients for you that provide your body with the best possible care in relation to your everyday working life and its requirements.

Next Level Athlete

If you demand top athletic performance from your body, this special package is your perfect sparring partner for the essential processes of energy supply. In addition, you are supported in the best possible way during regeneration and performance retrieval.

Get Moving

Your analysis shows that your calorie consumption and metabolic activity should be increased at the current time. With this mix of products from the FITMACHER line, we can provide you with optimal support.

dieFITMACHER Supplements

High-end products at the cutting edge of medical research and development. dieFITMACHER develop nutritional supplements together with a large team of experts
with proven medical and dietetic expertise and with a focus on
on high-dose, bioequivalent and highly bioavailable products.


Fatburner Package

The gut - the key to a healthier life
The question of whether we are slim and healthy is not only determined by what we eat and how much we eat. What happens inside the body is just as important. More specifically, how the trillions of microbes in our gut help us to digest what we eat. The basis of our health and a healthy lifestyle is a healthy gut. Because our gut is much more than just a digestive organ. It influences our health and our metabolism in many different ways.

Dr. Kirchmayr has put together all the products you need for successful intestinal cleansing with the Doc's Special DARMSANIERUNG +. It consists of three phases in which the intestine is first cleansed (= phase 1). The intestinal flora, i.e. the microbiome, is then built up and the intestinal cells are strengthened (= phase 2). In phase 3, the microbiome, the intestinal cells and the mucous membrane are stabilized. Intestinal cleansing thus serves as the basis for a healthier life. 

Included products

Cleanses the intestines and helps to maintain normal intestinal function. The harmful biofilm is removed, creating the best conditions for the growth of beneficial intestinal flora. It increases vitality and digestive functions. The chlorella algae it contains also binds toxins and relieves the liver and gall bladder.

Serves as preparation for the DARMDETOX+ cure to additionally empty the bowel.

Thanks to the concentrated concentration of secondary plant substances, fermented plant substances as food for the microbiome, as well as enzymes, we can positively influence intestinal function with the Intestinal Base+ and thus create the basis for a functioning food intake, protective barrier and immune system.

This amino acid has been shown to serve as an energy source for the intestinal cells and thus helps to close a "leaky gut".


With Probiotic+, we help to supply our intestinal flora, the so-called microbiome, with valuable and supportive bacterial strains, as well as providing food for them. This allows the bacterial strains to colonize the intestines immediately and have a demonstrably positive effect on intestinal function.

With this special mix of vital substances, we directly promote liver cell renewal. At the same time, it detoxifies the liver and stimulates the liver and bile metabolism, which has a positive effect on digestive function.

Recommended intake DETOX+:
Take 3x 1 capsule daily unchewed with plenty of liquid.

Muscle Star Package

The perfect support for muscle building
Basically, there are many factors that can have a significant positive or negative influence on muscle function and muscle building. The ideal supply of all important nutrients to the muscles is essential in order to achieve the desired effect. In addition to sensible training and regeneration control, the optimal supply of nutrients to the muscles is an essential aspect, especially during intensive physical exertion.

Included products

High-end mixture of carbohydrates, proteins, minerals and vital substances

RECVOVERY+ promotes regeneration immediately after your workout and supports all your body's adaptation processes thanks to the optimum carbohydrate/protein ratio. The addition of BCAA and optimal sodium chloride dosage is important to compensate for sweat loss. The energy build-up is also supported by B vitamins and L-arginine, as well as many other vital substances.

Recommended intake RECOVERY +: 
 4 measuring cups in 500ml water immediately after activity

BCAA+ are the essential amino acids L-leucine, L-isoleucine and L-valine, which provide the ideal dosage for optimum muscle metabolism, muscle regeneration, muscle building and noticeably more strength.

This supplement supports muscle regeneration, the repair and reconstruction of muscle tissue. The optimum mixing ratio of the essential amino acids L-leucine, L-isoleucine and L-valine in a ratio of 2:1:1 forms the basis of the BCAA + capsules.

Recommended intake BCCA+: 
 2 - 0 - 1 for dinner


In addition to supporting the immune system, it also plays an important role in protecting muscles and bone stability.

Due to the low intensity of the sun in our latitudes and the little time that many people spend in the fresh air, the body's own production of vitamin D3 is often insufficient. In this case, VITAMIN D3 + K2 can provide a remedy. In addition to vitamin D3, it also contains the highly bioavailable vitamin K2 from MK-7 and is therefore an ideal combination of active ingredients in a balanced dosage.

Recommended intake Vitamin D3 + K2:
1-2 drops per day with breakfast

Manager package

Ideal for high performers to master everyday working life
You are expected to perform at your best every day, and you do so. Concentration, focus and stress resistance play a crucial role in this. It is essential that the brain and nervous system, as well as the muscles, can provide sufficient energy for these challenges.

Included products

The B vitamins have a variety of functions in the human body and serve as catalysts for many enzymes. They therefore also significantly support energy production, nerve and brain function and blood formation.

Recommended intake B-Complex+:
0-0-1 Before dinner

Omega-3 fatty acids, which most people are deficient in, help with regeneration, a stable immune system and cell membranes. They also support brain and nerve function.

Recommended intake Omega 3+: 
2 - 0 - 0 To eat 

The "catalyst" of energy metabolism and radical scavenger is the optimal supporter of energy production and performance.

Recommended intake Q10+:  1-0-0 To eat

Next Level Athlete

This package takes you to the next level as an athlete

The quality and composition of the products is of crucial importance so that they can work optimally. According to the motto "You get out, what you put in", your body can only achieve lasting performance if the conditions are right!


Included products

The performance sports drink made from carbohydrates, electrolytes and lots of vital substances provides an optimum supply of energy during exercise.

- Innovative fast-absorbing carbohydrate mixture with predominantly ribose and galactose
- Optimum dosage for fast and efficient absorption via the intestine
- Fastest gastric transit time
- Continuous energy intake without fluctuation of the blood sugar level and without insulin activity - Optimum sodium-potassium ratio
- Additional vital substances for energy production and blood circulation such as coenzyme Q10, L-carnitine,
Guarana, L-carnosine, L-arginine and magnesium and alpha-ketoglutarate

It's not so easy to provide yourself with the right nutrition during sporting activities or a long, strenuous mountain hike.

Recommended intake SMP+:
 3 measuring cups in 750ml water for activity

Promotes regeneration immediately after your sports training and supports all of your body's adaptation processes thanks to the optimum carbohydrate/protein ratio. The addition of BCAA and optimal sodium chloride dosage is important to compensate for sweat loss. The production of additional energy is also supported by B vitamins and L-arginine, as well as many other vital substances.

High-end blend:
- Carbohydrates
- Proteins
- Minerals
- Vital substances

Recommended intake RECOVERY+: 4 measuring cups in 500ml of water immediately after the activity

In addition to supporting the immune system, it also plays an important role in protecting muscles and bone stability.

Due to the low intensity of the sun in our latitudes and the little time that many people spend in the fresh air, the body's own production of vitamin D3 is often insufficient. In this case, VITAMIN D3 + K2 can provide a remedy. In addition to vitamin D3, it also contains the highly bioavailable vitamin K2 from MK-7 and is therefore an ideal combination of active ingredients in a balanced dosage.

Recommended intake Vitamin D3 + K2:
1-2 drops per day with breakfast

With Probiotic+, we help to supply our intestinal flora, the so-called microbiome, with valuable and supportive bacterial strains, as well as providing food for them. This allows the bacterial strains to colonize the intestines immediately and have a demonstrably positive effect on intestinal function.

Recommended intake PROBIOTIKUM+:
0-0-1 Before going to bed

These are the essential amino acids L-leucine, L-isoleucine and L-valine, which provide the ideal dosage for optimum muscle metabolism, muscle regeneration, muscle building and noticeably more strength.

BCAA + supports muscle regeneration, the repair and reconstruction of muscle tissue. The optimum mixing ratio of the essential amino acids L-leucine, L-isoleucine and L-valine in a ratio of 2:1:1 forms the basis of the BCAA + capsules.

Recommended intake BCAA+:
 2 - 0 - 1 for dinner

Get Moving

Let's get moving! Get moving with this package

In addition to increasing your everyday activity, it is important that you provide your body with sufficient energy for all processes that are very important for your health. This will not only improve the power of your metabolism in the long term, but also top up your energy account for everyday life and upcoming activities! You will benefit from this optimization in the long term!

Included products

The B vitamins have a variety of functions in the human body and serve as catalysts for many enzymes. They therefore also significantly support energy production, nerve and brain function and blood formation.

Recommended intake B-KOMPLEX+: 0-0-1 Before dinner

The active ingredient complex OSTEO + combines important vital substances: the original Okinawa sango coral powder with calcium and magnesium, vitamin D3, vitamin K2 and L-lysine, which is particularly important for bone and connective tissue metabolism. Sport, but also the ageing process, increases the need for these rich active ingredients. This requirement can be optimally met with OSTEO + capsules as a supplement to the daily diet.

Recommended intake OSTEO+: 1 - 0 - 1 before the meal

The innovative plant-based active complex made from quinoa sprouts provides you with all the vitamins you need to meet your basic daily requirements.
The supply of B vitamins as a plant-based complex from quinoa sprouts is revolutionary and offers two major advantages: Better availability for cell metabolism and maximum biological activity, as no upstream "activation work" is required. This means that natural vitamins are already present in a biologically active, holistic form and are immediately available to our body. Thanks to regenerative synergies in the metabolism and their biological activity, natural vitamins are effective even in low doses. With the unique MULTI + you cover your basic daily requirement of all vitamins on a high-quality basis.

Recommended intake MULTI+:  1 - 0 - 1 for dinner

Great, let's talk!

We look forward to coordinating your offer with you and resolving any outstanding issues.