NEW: 5 instead of 4 pulse zones!

With a DYNOSTICS performance analysis, your members get an overview of 5 instead of 4 pulse zones. So you can soon make your training even more efficient and successful:

  • Pulse Zone Regeneration (REKOM):
    Low intensity, high fat metabolism training.
  • Pulse range fat metabolism (GA1):
    Low to moderate intensity training with maximum fat burning.
  • Heart rate range cardiovascular (GA2):
    Training with the transition from fat to carbohydrate burning.
  • Pulse Area Development Area (EB):
    Training in which you already train above the individual anaerobic threshold (IAAS).
  • Pulse Range Peak Range (SB): 
    Training in which should only be done under supervision, as there is a significant increase in the anaerobic portion of energy production.

A significant advantage is that pulse watches and fitness trackers like Polar also use these pulse zones - resulting in optimal effects in synergy and efficiency!

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We are uVida - our offering consists of the uVida DYNOSTICS metabolic device, which we use to carry out metabolic analyses throughout the world via a large network of B2B partners.

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