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DYNO TV #8: Heart Rate Oriented Training

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Heart rate-oriented training

The term Heart rate In medicine and sports science, this is the number of cardiac activities per minute. In healthy people, each heart action corresponds to a pulse beat that can be felt at various points on the body. The heart rate depends on factors such as age and gender and varies greatly from person to person, but a pulse rate of around 50 to 80 is considered normal for adults as a rough guide. Regular endurance training can reduce the heart rate. Heart rate individually and reduce it permanently at rest.

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More Information

What is important in heart rate-oriented training?

Individually well-dosed endurance training in the correct metabolic area leads to a lowering of the Heart rate at rest and thus to a general reduction in the strain on our cardiovascular system. At the same time, endurance training usually increases the heart rate range in fat metabolism training - but this is a desirable effect. It enables fats - our body's most valuable sources of energy - to be burned over a longer period of time. This leads to a generally more effective use of energy - you could also call it an "economization" of the body. Cardiovascular system speak.

To use a metaphorical comparison, we can imagine the tuning of an engine when lowering the heart rate through individualized training: The effort required is lowered, yet the performance that can be achieved increases. Similarly, in humans, training in the correct heart rate range increases the ability of the muscles to access fat as an energy source, which leads to an effective reduction in heart rate with continuous training. This effect can be illustrated with a simple calculation: take a specific training period in which the Heart rate is reduced by five beats per minute and then extrapolates this to a longer period of time. This quickly makes it clear how much work a well-trained heart muscle saves in a day, a month or even several years.

In principle, the individual heart rate The fitness level is heavily dependent on genetic factors that cannot be influenced. This subjective parameter, which is physiologically unique to each person, cannot in itself provide any information about a person's fitness level. However, constant training in the appropriate heart rate range can permanently reduce the resting heart rate and thus the strain on the cardiovascular system, regardless of genetic disposition.

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