Resting measurement with the metabolic analyzer from uVida DYNOSTICS

From passive to active therapy measures - proof of concept with uVida partners

We are often faced with the challenge of guiding our patients from passive to active therapeutic measures. Experience shows that a holistic and digital approach is crucial to achieving sustainable results, taking patients by the hand in the long term and thus showing them the path to true prevention.

How do you use the device in practice?

We recently published a revealing Interview with one of our loyal customers - Franz Dietzinger, in which he explains his experience of using the uVida DYNOSTICS metabolic analyzer and the benefits it offers him in his everyday work:

1. who are you and what do you do? My name is Franz Dietzinger and I am a physiotherapist and practice owner.

2. how do you use uVida DYNOSTICS? We use uVida DYNOSTICS for physiotherapy patients who have problems with body weight or lymphatic congestion, for example. In order to recognize the metabolic situation and, if desired, to be able to give recommendations for training, hiking or biking, we need the right pulse ranges in order to be able to optimally control the intensity of movement. But we also use it in our connected training area for normal customers to give time-saving training pulse recommendations and especially for performance checks up to professional athletes who need the determined pulse limits for their trainers.

3. what was your goal? To offer our patients something that allows them to see how their metabolism is and why they may not be reaching their goals, and to boost our second pillar, the training center. In addition, we wanted to offer something that would appeal to customers who are not in our facility.

4. goal achieved? Our goal has been fully achieved. Every month, we have patients who have measurements carried out and become members of our training center as a result. At trade fairs in the area, we are almost exclusively approached about the measurements - metabolic analyses - and are constantly gaining new customers who would otherwise never have been interested in us because they are not ill. A funny highlight was that our tax advisor wanted us to create a separate account for the metabolic analyses in our accounts department in the changeover from 2022 to 2023.

5. how do you integrate uVida DYNOSTICS into everyday practice? We have several roll-ups and posters in our facility, regular Instagram and Facebook stories. The topic of metabolic analysis is also featured on our website. And customers post it on your and our social media after a measurement.

This is exactly where our groundbreaking tool uVida DYNOSTICS for your facility.

With uVida DYNOSTICS, we offer a high-quality and unique solution that is understandable for everyone, bridging the gap between passive and active therapy measures and easily expanding the service portfolio. Our innovative technology enables precise metabolic analysis using Breathing gas measurement. This provides our partners with valuable information about the individual metabolism of their patients so that the topics of nutrition and training in exercise therapy can be even more individualized and thus optimized.

uVida Food

uVida Food gives you the opportunity to implement the entire topic of nutrition in your facility. Starting with the analysis, through the real time results to the optional support via the uVida app, as our partner you can get started immediately. And all this without any additional personnel costs and in the shortest possible time. Based on the individual metabolic values, uVida creates customized nutritional recommendations that are perfectly tailored to the needs of your patients. This not only promotes successful therapy, but also increases patient satisfaction and loyalty.

uVida Activity

uVida Activity offers you the chance to take exercise therapy to a new level. The individual pulse ranges and exercise in aerobic, non-acidic exercise intensity are determined in order to always be able to maintain an optimal dosage - depending on the patient's condition. As we all know, the systemic stress of people in a rehabilitative phase has a very large positive influence on healing behavior.

As always, it's all about the HOW?

Here is another interesting study on the subject of medication versus exercise:

The highlight: As briefly mentioned earlier, uVida allows you to integrate this holistic approach without additional personnel costs. This is because the smart control of our metabolic analyses at rest and during physical activity does not require any expertise. Subsequently, the uVida app make your patients independent and motivate them to lead an active lifestyle. This takes the pressure off your team, creates space for further therapeutic measures and paves the way for re-tests.


Get started with uVida DYNOSTICS today and experience how our metabolic analyses can further boost the holistic approach in your practice! Together we can create an even healthier future!

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