Always individual: Your metabolism in different phases of life

Metabolism is a complex process in the body that is responsible for converting food into energy. Our metabolism plays a central role in our health and well-being. It influences our weight, our energy levels and also our mood. But what does it look like when we go through different phases of life? Do they influence our metabolism and [...]

Carbohydrates. Friend or foe?

Carbohydrates are often the subject of debate and misunderstanding in the world of nutrition and exercise science. Some consider them the enemy of a healthy diet, while others see them as an indispensable component. But the truth lies in the middle. Carbohydrates are neither enemy nor friend, but must be viewed individually, depending on personal goals and needs.

Losing weight made easy.

Do you want to lose weight and finally achieve your personal feel-good goal? Then you've found your solution with uVida! With their metabolic analyses and the uVida app, they offer the perfect tool to lose weight effectively. uVida analyzes your individual metabolism via your breath and creates a tailor-made nutrition plan based on the results. No rigid diets or non-personalized [...]

uVida Food: Your key to healthy nutrition

With uVida Food Analysis, you have an innovative solution to take your nutrition to the next level. On an analytical basis, uVida offers easy-to-perform metabolic analysis to understand your individual nutritional needs and give you customized recommendations. Lose weight and improve your health sustainably - it's easy with uVida If you want to start [...]

Always individual: Your metabolism in different phases of life

Metabolism is a complex process in the body that is responsible for converting food into energy. Our metabolism plays a central role in our health and well-being. It influences our weight, our energy levels and also our mood. But what does it look like when we go through different phases of life? Do they influence our metabolism and [...]

What is the benefit of a metabolic analysis at rest?

Customers of fitness studios or personal trainers have different needs: For some, the focus is on building muscle, strength and endurance, while others expect to improve their health or want to lose a few excess kilos. For this second target group in particular, a professionally conducted metabolic analysis brings great benefits [...]

Melanie - On the way to success without yo-yo effect

Last year, Melanie lost over 40 kg on a radical "shake diet". Unfortunately, the success didn't last long, because a short time later she had put on 20 kg again. Now she has declared war on her kilos again. But this time without an over-promising crash diet with a subsequent yo-yo effect, but in a healthy and effective way [...].


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