Even more success as a physiotherapist with the breath analyzer from uVida DYNOSTICS

In therapeutic practice, many are faced with the challenge of guiding patients from passive to active measures. It has been shown that a holistic and digital approach is crucial to achieving sustainable results. Experience teaches us that patients can be taken by the hand in the long term through an innovative approach. Introducing the uVida DYNOSTICS breath analysis device, a pioneering solution for true prevention.

Experience report of a physiotherapist who uses metabolic analyses in his facility in a solution-oriented and profitable way

A recent interview with Franz Dietzinger provides fascinating insights into the use of the uVida DYNOSTICS breath analyzer. Dietzinger shares his experiences and emphasizes the convincing advantages that the device offers in his everyday working life. 

1. who are you and what do you do? My name is Franz Dietzinger and I am a physiotherapist and practice owner. 

2. How do you use the breath analyzer from uVida DYNOSTICS for your facility? We use uVida DYNOSTICS for physiotherapy patients who have problems with body weight or lymphatic congestion, for example. In order to recognize the metabolic situation and, if desired, to be able to give recommendations for training, hiking or biking, we need the right pulse ranges in order to be able to optimally control the intensity of movement.But we also use it in our connected training area for completely normal Customers, to give time-saving training pulse recommendations and especially for performance checks up to professional athletes who need the determined pulse limits for their trainers.

3. what was your goal? To offer our patients something they can use to recognize can, how their metabolism is at the moment and why they may not be achieving their goals, thereby also boosting our second pillar, the training center. In addition, we wanted to Offer, with which we address, who are not in our facility. 

4. goal achieved? Our goal has been fully achieved. Every month, we have patients who have measurements carried out and become members of our training center as a result. At trade fairs in the area, we are almost exclusively approached about the measurements - metabolic analyses - and are constantly gaining new customers who would otherwise never have been interested in us because they are not ill. A funny highlight was that our tax advisor wanted us to create a separate account for the metabolic analyses in our accounts department in the changeover from 2022 to 2023. 

5. how do you integrate uVida DYNOSTICS into everyday practice? We have several roll-ups and posters in our facility, as well as regular Instagram and Facebook stories. The topic of metabolic analysis is also featured on our website.And customers post it on your and our social media after a measurement. 

uVida DYNOSTICS: The revolution in movement therapy 

The innovative tool uVida DYNOSTICS sets new standards in healthcare by closing the gap between passive and active therapy measures.  

High-quality metabolic analysis using respiratory gas measurement provides healthcare facilities with comprehensive insights into the metabolic profiles of their patients. This enables an even more individualized design of nutrition and training plans in exercise therapy in order to achieve optimal results. 

uVida Food: Tailor-made nutritional recommendations 

The introduction of uVida Food enables healthcare facilities to integrate the entire field of nutrition into their services. From analysis to optional support via the uVida appoldest one immediate access to precise, individualized metabolic values. This not only leads to improved therapy results, but also increases patient satisfaction. 

uVida Activity: Movement therapy on a new level

With uVida Activity becomes about the Exercise therapy optimized. The determination of individual pulse ranges and non-acidic exercise intensity enables precise dosing, depending on the patient's current condition. The individually correct Systemic stress in the rehabilitative phase influences healing behavior positive. 

Here is another interesting study on the subject of medication versus exercise:

uVida DYNOSTICS: Revolutionary integration of the holistic approach 

With metabolic analyses from uVida DYNOSTICS This is a milestone towards a holistic approach for every healthcare facility. The smart control of metabolic analyses at rest and during physical activity requires no expertise, enabling seamless integration without the need for additional staff. The optional uVida app also supports patients independently, promotes an active lifestyle and creates space for further therapeutic measures. 

Simple integration, added value for everyone 

The easy integration into everyday practice is another advantage. With a duration of between 5-20 minutes, the analyses are also no time wasters. With uVida metabolic analyses not only creates space for further therapeutic measures, but also paves the way for re-tests to check patients' progress. In this way, healthcare facilities can easily expand their service portfolio and create the basis for customized care that paves the way to a healthy and active lifestyle. 

Interesting, isn't it? Would you like to find out more about metabolic analysis with uVida DYNOSTICS? Then take a look at our Website over or make a non-binding free consultation appointment to find out how you can use the device for your facility. 


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We are uVida - our offering consists of the uVida DYNOSTICS metabolic device, which we use to carry out metabolic analyses throughout the world via a large network of B2B partners.

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