What is the benefit of a metabolic analysis at rest?

Resting measurement with the metabolic analyzer from uVida DYNOSTICS

Customers of fitness studios or personal trainers have different needs: For some, the focus is on building muscle, strength and endurance, while others expect to improve their health or want to lose a few excess kilos. For this second target group in particular, a professionally conducted metabolic analysis brings great benefits [...]

Even more success in personal training with the uVida DYNOSTICS breathing analyzer

Personal training with the uVida DYNOSTICS breathing analyzer

Thanks to the precise metabolic analyses, uVida DYNOSTICS enables personal trainers to provide their clients with professional support and create customized training and nutrition strategies. This not only leads to more satisfied customers, but also creates the basis for long-term loyalty. Easy integration into everyday working life and the ability to monitor progress make it possible to optimize their services and thus increase not only satisfaction but also sales.

Be successful as a nutritionist - with the breath analyzer from uVida DYNOSTICS

Thanks to the precise metabolic analyses, uVida DYNOSTICS enables nutritionists to provide their clients with professional support and create customized training and nutrition strategies. This not only leads to more satisfied customers, but also creates the basis for long-term loyalty. Easy integration into everyday working life and the ability to monitor progress make it possible to optimize their services and thus increase not only satisfaction but also sales.

Even more success as a physiotherapist with the breath analyzer from uVida DYNOSTICS

In therapeutic practice, many are faced with the challenge of guiding patients from passive to active measures. It has been shown that a holistic and digital approach is crucial to achieving sustainable results. Experience teaches us that patients can be taken by the hand in the long term through an innovative approach. Introducing the uVida DYNOSTICS breath analysis device, a pioneering solution for true prevention.

Medical Fitness only with metabolic analysis

For some years now, therapeutic and health-oriented concepts have no longer been a novelty in the fitness market. Names such as "medical fitness" and "health center" are now familiar to most people and are often dedicated to either so-called best agers or people with physical problems. Goals such as regaining physical fitness for everyday life, reducing acute and chronic pain and [...]

Comparison between analysis forms

In modern medicine, the importance of precise diagnostics and individual health analyses has greatly increased. Different body fluids and excretions, such as blood, saliva, urine, stool and respiratory gas, offer valuable insights into a person's state of health. These analyses provide comprehensive information about the body, from metabolic processes to potential diseases.

Spiroergometry vs. lactate analysis

Anyone who wants to make their training more professional will sooner or later be faced with the question of how to find the right training strategy and training dosage for themselves. Two different methods are available for this, which are presented and compared here: Spiroergometry and lactate analysis.

From passive to active therapeutic measures

We are often faced with the challenge of guiding our patients from passive to active therapeutic measures. Experience shows that a holistic and digital approach is crucial to achieving sustainable results, taking patients by the hand in the long term and thus showing them the path to true prevention.


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