DYNOSTICS in healthcare

WEBINAR December 14, 2020 Modern holistic therapy - through metabolic analysis to the optimal dosage in the area of training and nutrition. On December 14 at 8 p.m., Oliver Treml, physiotherapist, personal trainer and himself a user of DYNOSTICS metabolic analysis, will present the key benefits and added value for patients and therapists in a webinar. He explains the background to metabolic analysis, [...]

Melanie - On the way to success without yo-yo effect

Last year, Melanie lost over 40 kg on a radical "shake diet". Unfortunately, the success didn't last long, because a short time later she had put on 20 kg again. Now she has declared war on her kilos again. But this time without an over-promising crash diet with a subsequent yo-yo effect, but in a healthy and effective way [...].

Performance analysis as customer loyalty in the gym

Individual performance analysis as a future-proof customer retention measure in the gym Do you want to offer your customers a tailored training program with added value? Do you want to show your clients' performance improvements transparently in order to involve them even more directly in their progress? Do you want your customers to train on the basis of individually determined performance ranges and not receive "off-the-peg" training?

Performance enhancement through regeneration

If you train regularly and want to increase your general fitness in the long term, or even elicit peak performance from your body, you should ensure that you have sufficient recovery periods in addition to intensive training. The body needs this time to initiate muscle building processes and optimize its performance potential. If certain aspects are taken into account, training effects can be maximized. Recovery in combination [...]

Why training in the right pulse range is important

Why it is important to train according to individual heart rate zones. In order to train efficiently, it is essential to know and take into account the corresponding individual heart rate zones. This is particularly relevant because if the heart rate is too high, the body can quickly become over-acidified, leading to micro tears in the muscles with a corresponding drop in performance [...].

Spiroergometry for today's athlete

Breathing to sound out the perfect training zone - spiroergometry for today's athletes What has long been standard in the professional sector is increasingly becoming possible for semi-professional and amateur athletes thanks to modern equipment. Determining the optimum load zone for endurance training is now easily possible for everyone. Spiroergometry is the name given to a procedure in which [...]


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